Be accompanied as parents or future parents, from birth to early childhood.
Qui contacter ?
The NEB’s prenatal consultations are open to all future parents. They are located in your neighborhood or in the hospital.
Questions about this? Consult the NEB brochure available in different foreign languages:
Find a prenatal consultation:
Family allowances
Caisse d'allocation
Entitlement to family allowances is based on two conditions: work and residence in Belgium. Parents must therefore be legally resident and their children must be on Belgian territory.For information about your entitlement to family allowances and family benefits, contact FAMIWAL Tel.: 0800 13 008 (free)
Where can I find a childcare centre/crèche for our child?
Pour les 0 à 3 ans
For children who are not yet in school, it is possible to find a nursery or a nursery
- Consult:
You can also contact the CPASUn CPAS, ou centre public d'action sociale, est une institution publique présente au sein de chaque commune et ville. Elle est chargée de dispenser une aide sociale en faveur de certaines personnes, mais aussi, d'autres mesures spécifiques d'accompagnement et de soutien, d'ordre psychologique, sociale, financière, médicale, administrative, leur permettant de se réinsérer dans une vie sociale active. of your municipality to know the list of crèches near you.
Pour l’accueil extrascolaire
There are after-school care solutions.
Homework School:
Pendant les congés scolaires
During the school holidays, you can consult the website of your municipality to know the list of internships and holiday plains near you.
I am alone with my children, I need urgent housing.
Qui contacter ?
See section housing emergency column
I am looking for a place of welcome, listening, information, orientation, support and accompaniment, for my family and me.
Qui contacter ?
CPMS, AMO, IDEf, saj, (see youth tab)
I want my child to improve in French.
Votre titre va ici
In some schools, students who have little or no command of the French language can take adapted courses in « bridging classes » also called « DASPA » classes for System of Schooling of First-Time Students. (to French tab) + youth tab
I am a victim of domestic violence, my husband/wife beats me.
Iam a witness to violence.
Votre titre va ici
The police (take over the police zones)
Victim Support Service:
I want to leave my é, what are my rights?
Qui peut m'informer ?
(social and legal accomp tab)
Je ne comprends pas, j'ai besoin d'aide...
An intercultural accompanist from the CAI
can help you in your efforts.