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Social, cultural and sporting life

Social, cultural and sporting life

I would like to do dance, theater, drawing, …

À qui s'adresser ?

CPAS and municipalities (pcs), cultural centre, provincial library, associations (OSIM, ILI, PCI), cultural service of the province, youth information, academy of beautiful art, youth centre,

I would like to invest myself as a citizen in the life of my municipality.

À qui m'adresser ?

CPAS and Communes links + intercultural islands and ICH

I would like to do an activity (in my neighborhood).

À qui s'adresser ?

Neighborhood Committees (if necessary – ex coordination of st Nicolas neighborhood and scales, neighborhood or de facto associations, youth center (see tab Soc and cultural life)

I would like to practice a sports activity.

Qui contacter ?

Contact the CPAS of your municipality Link to cpas

You can consult the following website listing all the sports clubs present in the province: https://www.sport-finder.com/fr/sport/belgique/namur

I would like to meet members of my community. I would like to practice my confession.

I would like to become a volunteer for an association.

À qui s'adresser ?

I would like to become a volunteer for an association, who should I contact?

Volunteering in an association, collective or union is a great way to meet people who share our interests and values.

Unlike the paid worker, the volunteer does not receive a salary. But he/she can receive a reimbursement (= compensation).

The law does not provide for voluntary service by persons who do not have a residence permit. However, since this is not work, there is no prior authorization required.

Be careful, in case of control of the Social Inspectorate, if it turns out that it is disguised work, the employer incurs prosecution. Also, such a finding may lead to an administrative arrest as well as detention in a closed center of the undocumented person, with a view to expulsion from the territory.

If you have free time and the desire to get involved as a volunteer, contact the Plateforme francophone du volontariat who can inform you about the rules governing volunteer work, and inquire about associations looking for volunteers:

French-speaking platform for volunteering

Place de l’Ilon 13 5000 Namur

Phone : 02 512 01 12

Mail: info@levolontariat.be

Site: www.levolontariat.be

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can help you in your efforts.
